Marie Lynn Speckert (*1989, Hanover; lives in Leipzig/Berlin) is an interdisciplinary artist whose work bridges the fields of anatomy, biotechnology, human-computer interaction (HCI), and sound. Employing materials such as steel, epoxy resin, and organic substances, along with techniques like plastination, she creates immersive installations and live performances that explore the evolving relationship between the human body, technology, and artificial environments. Her works often integrate film as a medium to extend the narrative and visual dimensions of her explorations.
Speckert's practice is rooted in the study of systems theory, particularly in relation to the human body and its structures. Drawing on her expertise in anatomical preparation, she critically examines the interplay between materiality, technology, and human behavior, blending scientific precision with artistic innovation.
Her research delves into parasitic and symbiotic relationships between technology, sculpture, and sound, presenting a nuanced reflection on themes of agency, transformation, and the boundaries between organic and artificial. By incorporating elements like steel—a material emblematic of industrial and technological progress—alongside ephemeral media such as film, Speckert crafts works that challenge perceptions and invite audiences to question the interconnectedness of their environments.
2015-2017 master course, sculpture with Prof. Wilhelm Mundt / Prof. Carsten Nicolai, HfBK Dresden (DEU)
2015 diploma with honors sculpture/metal with Prof. Andrea Zaumseil, Burg Giebichenstein, Halle/Saale (DEU)
2013 erasmus Scholarship Prof. Johan Muyle, La Cambre École d´Art, Brussel/Belgium (BEL)
Active as a soundperformer and composer with pseudonym „Alphabeton“ and „DURA“
works and lives in Leipzig/Berlin (DEU)
Member of research groups: Tangible Music Lab ( and Fasica Leipzig (
Scholarships I Price
2024 LOBSTER, Kunstfonds, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Förderankauf der Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen 2024
Digital Anatomy: Exploring and Arrangement of Organism through Art and Technology, Arbeitsstipendium der
Kulturstiftung des Freistaats Sachsen
2020 EHF Artist Scholarship, Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Fresh A.I.R., Artist in Residence, Urban Nation, Berliner Leben, Berlin
2019 Nosedive, working scholarship, Art Foundation Sachsen-Anhalt and Kloster Bergeschen Foundaiton
2018 Anomalie, graduated scholarship, Burg Giebichenstein, Halle Saale
2017 Local Particiants Program, working scholarship 2017, PILOTENKÜCHE, Leipzig
2015 Art price, recognition, Sparkassenstiftung, Sachsen Anhalt
Vinje Snoforming, 1. Place, Norway
2024 Metaphysical measures: An artistic exploration of soul, weight, and the immaterial, Atlas der Datenkörper 2, Bart, M Breuer, J Freier, A L, transcript Verlag: Bielefeld
2023 W A T E R, Quasi Magazine, Bristol (UK)
2023 Organum Paradoxum/Scalptomorpha: A Sculptural Parasite to Hack the Human Anatomical System, xCoax, School of X, Bauhaus Universität Weimar
2022 Superpresent Magazine Vol. 3 No. 1
2017 Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) reaction and plastination in whole body slices. A novel technique to identify fascial tissue structures, Dr. habil. Hanno Steinke
2023 xCoAx 2023, 11th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X, Bauhaus University Weimar
2023 NEW NOW Festival Hyper Natural Forces, Zollverein, Essen
Compositions I Projects
2022 SISTERS OF ALGOLORE, by Deva Schubert, Microtec, Bozen
2022 SISTERS OF ALGOLORE, by Deva Schubert, Radialsystem, Berlin
Kunst.Raum.Konzerte Präsentieren: Olicía trifft MDURA, GEH8 Kunstraum, Dresden
2021 142 m/s, Goethe-Institut, Amman Jordan
2020 POSTHUMAN ISLAND, Sound design, Felt zine x Cultural Policy
It Will Have Been. A New Futurist Manifesto, Stefan Hurtig
Chaosmosis, crosslucid, o2o2facewear
2019 E-Sound of Silence, zeitraumexit, Alte Feuerwache, Mannheim
Come as you are, Mara Sandrock, INTER disciplinary Shop, Spinnerei Leipzig
2017 XIANG TANG and YIWEN SHAO, Music for Crosslucid, London/Berlin
2012 geSchichten aus der Heimat, Antonia Ravens, Trossingen
Fliegende Füchse auf der Suchenach Liebe, Sabrina Lewe
2011 Sight of Transgression, Sywana Zybora
2022 SISTERS OF ALGOLORE, by Deva Schubert, Radialsystem, Berlin
2021 Unmeasurement Straßenunterhaltungsdienst, Plus ou moins cirque productions, Revier Südost, Berlin
2012 geSchichten aus der Heimat, Antonia Ravens, Trossingen
Solo shows (section)
2024 6 L A C 1 E R, via hitt húsið, Reykjavík (ISL)
Hello MR. Bean, Parzelle403, Basel (CH)
2023 WEIGHT OF SOUL 58106g, Paul Scherzer Gallery, Halle
2022 W A T E R, with Alessa Brossmer, Werkleitz, Halle Saale (DE)
2018 Vector/Traeger mit Emma Wilson, Frappant e.V., Hamburg
2017 Response, mit Tobias Gellscheid, Galerie Bernau, Bernau bei Berlin
2016 chapter 1A, Galerie nachtspeicher23, Hamburg
Widerhall, mit Tobias Gellscheid, Eisfabrik – Weiße Halle, Hannover
2015 Auslöser, Turnhalle Volkspark, Halle Saale
Rauschen mit Tobias Gellscheid, Galerie Zaglmaier, Halle Saale
Holzstich und Bildhauerei mit Tobias Gellscheid, Töplitz, Potsdam
Groupexhibitions (selected work)
End of Land, Loop Raum - B-Part Galerie, Berlin
ALLES VI, Studio im Hochhaus, Berlin
Win/Win - Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz - Museum Gunzenhauser, Chemnitz
loose ends, Kunsthaus Sootbörn, Hamburg
aller beute spuren, Hal - Studio Galerie, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin
W A T E R, with Alessa Brossmer, Bæjarhátíð í Búðardal,Iceland
W A T E R, with Alessa Brossmer, Sim-biotic, Venice Arsenale, Capannone 106 (ITA)
XX. Jubiläum - Mediziner&Malerei, University Leipzig
ignorance&honesty, GIEGLING, Walzwerk doing Art Basel, Basel
ignorance&honesty, GIEGLING, Pittlerwerk, Leipzig
EIN IMPULS, jungekunstfreunde x STRÖER, Köln
Verwandelt, Kunststiftung Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle
me IRL, curated by Melissa Huang, Dalton Gallery at Agnes Scott, Georgia, USA
Quarantine Exhibition, space52, Athens, Greece
scholarship exhibition, Fresh A.I.R., Projektraum Urban Nation, Berlin
BREAK OUT: Series 2, LA Art Documents, Los Angeles, USA
[SHIFT:ibpcpa] The Biennale of Performance, Collaborative and Participatory Arts, curated by Ayshia Taskin,
The Wall Space Gallery, Scotland, UK
Shades Of Black, storpunkt gallery, Munich
Gegen Die Schwerkraft, Giegling at Funkhaus, Berlin
Ideenwerkstatt, fenced in area, DA-Kunsthaus, Hörstel
Arsenal, Spinnerei Intershop interdisciplinaire, Leipzig
Right Here, Right Now, Spinnerei UNTERGESCHOSS 14, Leipzig
II III X #01, Galerie nachtspeicher23, Hamburg
MEISTER 17, Motorenhalle, Projektzentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Dresden
Ding und Wesen, Galerie BRIDGET STERN im Künstlerhaus FAKTOR, Hamburg
Unterwelten, Zaglmaier Galerie, Halle Saale
Full Stop, PILOTENKÜCHE, Leipzig
Masterclass – Cold Turkey, KIII Galerie, Hannover
Metamorphosis. The Human Stories, Galerie Brühlsche Terrasse, Dresden
Just Physical Stand 10.8, Westwerk, Leipzig
Performance Night 2016, Prima Kunst, Kiel
artig Kunstpreis 2016, Galerie Kunstreich, Kempten (Allgäu)
PROVOKATEURE, størpunkt Galerie, München
maniac – Kunst im Kontext von Psyche, Wahn und Besessenheit, reflektor Kunstpreis 2015, Wien
Die Zeit drängt, Neue Sächsische Galerie, Chemnitz
in Jail - TAG DER OFFENEN TÜR, ehemaliges Gefängnis, Meißen
Aufbrechen, Sparkassen Kunstpreis 2015, Volkspark, Halle Saale
Ich seh´was, was du jetzt siehst., areal17, Halle Saale
Invasion, art-jams, e-werk, Freiburg
Nebenan, altonale, Hamburg