Die Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung von Körperlichkeit und Körperbildern erfährt durch digitale Technologien einen weitreichenden Wandel, der auch in die Techniken ihrer Produktion hineinreicht. Die Beiträger*innen kartographieren diese Entwicklungen und fragen nach ihren Voraussetzungen, Folgen sowie Möglichkeiten der Kritik. Im zweiten Band des »Atlas der Datenkörper« beschreiben sie den digitalen Körper am historischen und rezenten Bauhaus, analysieren das Phänomen seiner Mystifizierung und dekonstruieren den Datenkörper als politischen Gegenstand. Aus sowohl der Perspektive künstlerischer und gestalterischer Forschung als auch der Kunst-, Kultur- und Medienwissenschaft entsteht so ein umfassender, transdisziplinärer Querschnitt zum Verhältnis Mensch-Technik im digitalen Zeitalter.

Atlas der Datenkörper 2

Digitale Körperlichkeit im Bauhaus, der Politik und Mystik


03.06. – 04.06. / Mixing Plant


An interdisciplinary melting pot — a place for showing, for informal exchange, but also a testing ground, a shared workbench and a hub — the ThinkHalle is for everyone who enjoys experimentation. 

During the opening weekend, from the 3rd till the 4th of June, tech-savvy artists, creative makers and tinkerers will move into the foyer of the mixing plant and bring unique prototypes with them. Following the festival theme “Hypernatural Forces”, they will explore and develop cross-border journeys between speculation and function, technology and material, the now and the near future, in dialogue with the visitors. From real-time simulations of planetary infrastructures to birdsong, from plasma sculptures to prostheses that bridge the gap between humans and bats — the pool of ideas is well filled. Everyone is invited to participate, talk, think or even just to watch. We are looking forward to works by: Marine Lemarié and Nicolas Stephan, Leon Eckard, Fara Peluso and Kat Austen, Charlotte Triebus and many more.





Saturday 17 September 14:00 - Sunday 18 December 19:00, 

Sølvberget, Stavanger. 

Emilia Tikka: AEON & EUDAIMONIA (installations with photography, film and objects)

Ruth Gilmour: Nurturing manoeuvres (textile artwork)

Kathrine Evelid: Tjenersnakk (videowork)

Åsa Båve: Caring with Force (video installation)

Kaisu Koski: HUG: artificial empathy (installation)

Jacob Remin: All watched over by machines by loving grace (performance concert and visual matrix)

Kari Telstad Sundet: Memory Space Traveller (audiovisual installation)

Marie Lynn Speckert: Scalptomorpha (installation)


Sølvberget Gallery, the exhibition space, is open to the public during fixed hours, with access for wheelchairs, prams and other motion technologies. The exhibition is free of charge.

The exhibition is a part of the research project Caring Futures: developing care ethics for technology-mediated care practices, funded by the Research Council of Norway (RCN). This project revisits care ethics at a time of changing health, care and welfare policies, services and practices.




„loose ends“ | Künstlerhaus Sootbörn


Alessa Brossmer · Emanuel Mathias · Mara Sandrock · Marie Lynn Speckert · Viktor Petrov



03.03.2023 – 18:00 – 21:00

Opening hours:

04.03 – 05.03.2023 - 15:00 – 18:00 18.03 – 19.03.2023 - 15:00 – 18:00

The exhibiton „loose ends“ showcases various aspects of artistic research. The works in the show include installations, sculptures, archive collections, and material experiments that utilize interdisciplinary research methods in the fields of medicine, glaciology, material sciences, and anthropology.

The title „loose ends“ refers to the open ends that arise in any creative process and the attempt of bringing those together. However, it also points to the intermediate state in which the researching artists are cons- tantly moving: The five artists describe their work as a process that they constantly scrutinize, reassess, and adjust, while oscillating between scientific studies and their artistic interpretations. Thus the exhibition seeks to involve the viewer in the search of non-hegemonic forms of knowledge, that emerge inbetween science and art.



Location: Künstlerhaus Sootbörn
Sootbörn 22 / 22453 Hamburg
Website: https://kuenstlerhaus-sootboern.de/ Contact: sootboern@web.de


©2023 Foto: Emanuel Mathias