Scalptomorpha shows an excerpt of an idea as part of my PhD, which should connect to the human body. An object with its own organism that fits into a closed structure, such as the human body. This object takes data from internal body rhythms, which it uses and returns: data processing compared to a digestive system.


In this research project I will utilize a portable art tool that the visitor “wears” during an exhibition in order to receive notable feedback from his/her internal body signals. It might be considered a parasite or an extension of a body part or organ, even as a tool of medical aid with the goal of manipulating the ‘organism’ (the participant’s body).


My project is a synthesis between art, music and medicine, which unfolds into a large field. In theory, I focused my research on the definition and conception of anatomy. I examine the human body in its structure and order, study it as a figure, sculpture and space, which functions as a habitat.

Caring Futures exhibition @ Sølvberget Gallery in Stavanger!

Together with artists:   

@emiliatikka @rthglmr , @cathrineevelid , @asa.bave , Kaisu Koski/ @rolandvandierendonck , Jacob Remin, Kari Telstad Sundet


The exhibit is curated by @hegetapio @iolab_ and it is part of the research project of Ingvil Hellstrand and her team at University of Stavanger.

I want to thank especially Ingvil and Hege for inviting me! Thank you also for Hildegunn Birkeland at the Sølvberget Gallery @solvberget